Care Packages from Home

2018 quilt of valor
Awarded November 9, 2018
Rory Holland
United States Army Artillery
Sergeant E5
Vietnam War
1969 to 1971

In honor of Veterans Day, Stony Point Elementary in Grain Valley and Care Packages from Home, a local 501c3 who supports our deployed troops and local Veterans, partnered to present a Quilt of Valor to a deserving Veteran.
Vietnam War Veteran Rory Holland of the United States Army Artillery, Sergeant E-5 was presented his Quilt of Valor at the school’s Veterans Day program. A Quilt of Valor is awarded to cover veterans touched by war with comfort and healing. It also is considered a “Welcome Home” for our Vietnam Veterans.
The Veterans program was directed by Becki Bayless, the music teacher. The Presentation of Colors was conducted by the Local Boy Scout Troop with the Pledge of Allegiance lead by local Girl Scout Troops and Boy Scouts. Students from 1st grade to 5th grade shared letters, essays, and acrostic’s honoring our Veterans. The Stony Point Choir provided musical entertainment also.
The Veterans in the audience were recognized by standing and receiving a certificate and a carnation which were presented by the Student Council members.
Mrs. Bayless conducted a Moment of Silence in remembrance, taps was played, the flag retired and the assembly was closed.
Care Packages from Home covers the Kansas City area and will send a total of 270 Care Packages to deployed U.S. troops around the world in 2018. We will continue to support local Veterans with Christmas Cards, quilts, and reverence. If you are interested in learning more, participating, and supporting Care Packages from Home our webpage is: carepackagesfromhomekc.org and you will find us on Facebook by searching for Care Packages from Home KC.
Big shout-out to Sherri Hass Lewis, the quilt maker! Thank you Sherri for your work to help us honor Veterans! You are awesome!